This is a compiled list of the conventions the team agreed upon over the past
6 months. It should not be considered complete, but at least provide a short
introduction for new team members.
- Master is the integration Branch
- Feature branches should branch off master and be named bugfix|feature/<TICKET-#>-short-description
- After code freeze, master is merged into release, release gets deployed to staging
- Fixes to the release candidate are prefixed with bugfix but branch off release branch
- Tbd: Either we merge to prod branch or we stick with release and promote a build via Gitlab
- Release can be merged to master at all times, master to release only at the end of a sprint
- Bugs on production start off the release branch, branches are prefixed hotfix/. Don't forget
to merge the release branch back to master when you finished the bugfix.
Pull Requests
- Be polite and objective. You can make subjective statements, but please
phrase them accordingly.
- Every pull request needs at least two approvals before it can be merged. If
for some reason more than two developers are reviewing a PR, wait for
everybody to conclude their review.
- Don't push to master without a pull request. Urgent hotfixes are excepted
from this, but you should still let another developer sanity-check your
changes, if possible.
- Only the author merges her/his pull requests. There might be some hidden
dependencies only the author is aware about.
- Avoid assigning other developers to your pull requests. Every developer with
enough time should assign her-/himself.
- Reviews are done by intermediate developers and above, that are part of the
project for at least a month.
- Optional change requests are prefixed with
. The author doesn't
have to implement those, but he/she should seriously consider them.
- Avoid rebasing after creating a PR. There is no benefit in this
- Only create PRs for code that is ready to be merged (No WIP PRs):
- The code complies with our code conventions and is architecturally sound
- No errors or warnings in the console (both browser and shell)
- No failing test cases
- It fulfills the acceptance criteria.
- It works in all environments, in which it is supposed to run in (e.g.
don't use browser APIs during server-side rendering)
- Avoid unnecessary formatting changes. Smaller diffs are easier to
Changes, that improve the readability are considered necessary.
- The author should go through every line and judge it from a "reviewer's
- The reviewer should:
- ... identify errors that will cause an issue in production
- ... verify that the changes being made align with stated goal of the
code change and the acceptance criteria.
- ... verify that any changes align with the team's coding standards.
- ... look for anything they personally disagree with and phrase it
accordingly (e.g. IMHO). PRs aren't only meant for the code at hand.
They play a big role in aligning the team and teaching more junior team
- Add 'Closes #' in first line of PR description to automatically reference and close linked issue.
Code Conventions
- We tend to follow the principles of functional programming and clean code
(by Robert C. Martin). If you do not have a copy available, one can be
- Naming conventions:
- If not otherwise specified: camelCase
- Components and Interfaces in PascalCase
- Filenames in kebap-case
- Interfaces for component props:
[Component Name]Props
- Constants in CONSTANT_CASE
- Functions should start with a verb
- Avoid
wherever possible.
- Avoid left-over
- Avoid deeply nested code. Add guard conditions at the beginning of a
function and exit early.
- Avoid state.
- Avoid
s without Jira ticket reference.
- Avoid reformatting of imports.
- Avoid ternary operators, that are longer than three lines
- Avoid nested ternary operators
- Connectors never throw Exceptions, only shops may do this to have a 500 page rendered
- Every new dependency needs to be justified and vetted.
- Every dependency, that isn't required at runtime should land in
- Use arrow-functions whereever possible. Implicit returns are preferred.
- Prefer
if ... elseif ...
over if .. if ..
- Commit messages start with the ticket ID (e.g. "SBOT-1337: ...") and use
present tense. Urgent hotfixes, that don't have a ticket should be prefixed
- Use prettier and auto-format your code
- Add a newline between all top-level statement blocks to improve
- Every new backend feature should be covered by a test.
- Files should be named after the default export. If a file doesn't have one,
the filename should reflect the shared context / topic.
- Do not duplicate the code in the documentation. Do not explain the what,
explain the why and warn others about potential pitfalls.
- Co-locate code: Keep the definitions/files/assets as close to its usage as
- Do not force push to master.
- Strive for consistency. So even if there is no explicit rule:
When in Rome, do as the Romans do
Ticket Workflow
- The tickets are ordered by priority. Try to take the ticket with the highest
priority. Fast lane tickets have the highest priority.
- Don't reserve tickets: Avoid assigning tickets to yourself, if you still got
uncompleted tasks to do.
- Blocked tickets should be marked with a flag.
- Try to get your tickets done before the code freeze. See your calendar for
the exact date/time.
- The time between code freeze and the next sprint should primarily be used
for testing and bugfixing
- When starting a ticket move the issue in 'In Progress' issue board lane.
- Move ticket to 'Code Review' lane after creating a new PR
- Reference 'Closes #' inside your PR description to auto close the issue on successful merge.